T-DTL, 31L-DTL and 33L-DTL Gas Liquid Separators

Separation of high solid, sludgy gasses down to >10 microns

Wright-Austin Type T-DTL SeparatorWright-Austin Type 33L-DTLWright-Austin high efficiency DTL gas liquid separators for horizontal or vertical down-flow applications are designed specifically for non-liquid particle separation or more commonly, separation of liquids containing a high percentage of solids resulting in sludge-like flow to drain from the system.  The conical shaped drain sump of DTL gas liquid separators ensure  drainage of slurry-like fluids. View our article describing this design in more detail with application descritpions.

When properly sized, Wright-Austin DTL separators will remove up to 99% of all liquid and solids greater than 10 microns in size from an air, steam or industrial gas flow.  The removal is accomplished by a design that causes the air/gas/steam to enter into controlled centrifugal vortex which forces the entrained material to the outer wall (vessel ID).  A vortex containment plate (VCP) prevents re-entrainment of the separated liquid and particles.  The removed particles and liquid accumulate at the bottom of the conical drain sump.

DTL separators are sometimes used to recover or separate the desired material from the gas stream.  A float style drain trap is not recommended for removal of the separated material because solids clog-up this type of valve.  We typically suggest using a rotary valve because it is designed to handle slurries with minimal loss of air, gas or steam from the system.

All Wright-Austin DTL style gas liquid separators are available with ASME code stamp in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Division I and can be assigned a Canadian Registration Number (CRN).

Wright-Austin Type 31L-DTL Separator

 DTL Separator Applications:

• Steam Drums
• Steam Turbines
• Intercooler Equipment
• Aftercooler Equipment

• Gas Well Heads
• Deep Well Heads
• Oil Extraction
• Chemical Processing

• Scrubbing Systems
• Evaporator
• Glycol Dehydration
• Sulfur Condenser

• Mist Elimination
• Heat Exchangers
• Reactors
• Landfill/Waste Gas

Outline Drawings